Perancangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Pengenalan Jenis - Jenis Tanaman Herbal Berbasis Android

  • Diana Agustina
  • Anis Mardianti
  • Rizqi Fahmi Farid Aziz
Keywords: Augmented reality, herbal plants, learning media


The development of technology, especially in information technology, especially
digital image processing, is currently at a very good stage. The implementation of
digital image processing has penetrated several implementations, one of which is
Augmented reality. With Augmented reality, the process of visualization and delivery
of information can be carried out more varied by using various digital media, one of
which is a 2-dimensional object. In the field of education, Augmented Reality can be
used as a tool for learning media, including the introduction of herbal plants. Herbal
plants are plants that have uses or active substances that are useful for treatment.
Students have difficulty understanding the material because of the difficulty in representing objects, especially in herbal plants. The material of herbal plants is easier
to understand if students go directly to the field to look for these plants. Of course, this
cannot be done during class hours. The existence of chemical drugs has made
traditional medicine no longer in demand by many people. The learning process, in
general, can be more easily applied using the help of technology, namely designing
interactive augmented reality learning media, because students will be more interested
and easier to understand the herbal plant material equipped with a 2D object through
an Android-based application. This application is made using the Unity software,
Vuforia SDK, CorelDraw x7
