Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Face Recognition Pada Pendekatan CRM Menggunakan Opencv Dan Algoritma Haarcascade

  • Muhammad Karunia Rahmadhika
  • Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi
Keywords: Face recognition, Customer Relation Management, Haarcascade Algorithm, Customer Loyality


With the development of information technology, new ideas emerge so that technology can penetrate all fields, especially in the approach of customer relations management using face recognition. Currently the concept of face recognition has been widely implemented and accepted by the world community, it can be proven that face recognition is often found as a security system while in the front office of an office building. This face recognition application can increase customer loyalty in a shop / restaurant. The algorithm used in this application is the haarcascade algorithm which basically changes a face image into a collection of numbers so the system can read and distinguish various faces that have been recognized. The development used in this application uses the Face Recognition method, while for system design using UML diagrams. This application can increase customer loyalty by recognizing their faces so that when transacting in front of the cashier, there is a close relationship between the customer and the cashier because the cashier can recognize the customer and can even know when and what menu when the customer first visited.
