Rancang Bangun Website Dan Dashboard Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Pada Yayasan Cahya Amanah Bangsa

  • Cahyadi Wibisono Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
  • Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
Kata Kunci: Dashboard, Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru, Sistem, Website.


The rapid development of technology has an impact on all life, especially the provision of
information for an organization, agency, or company that requires a fast, precise, and accurate data
management system. To support effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency in an organization,
agency, or company in solving management problems, especially providing services to the
community, especially to New Students of Amanah Bangsa Junior High School (ASA) Bekasi City.
Management of new student registration information online aims to create an effective and efficient
performance, because it is easier to get information and does not need to make a lot of costs to be
incurred. Through the implementation of the school website information system and the dashboard
for new student admissions, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the public to get complete and
up to date, interactive, and dynamic information. It is hoped that Amanah Bangsa Junior High
School (ASA) can get more value from community satisfaction to guide their children to high-quality
schools. This system can be more efficient in terms of cost, effort, and time, so that it can be effective
in achieving goals. In accessing the current system, there are sometimes obstacles in implementing
information, such as the acceptance of new students and the payment system which is still vulnerable
to the loss of proof of payment in recording.
