Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Commerce Berbasis Web Pada Toko Vapein

  • Juan Pahlevy Sutrisno Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Nizirwan Anwar Universitas Esa Unggul


In this era of rapid technological development, business people are required to keep up with the
times so they can compete with other business people. With the existence of Covid-19, business
people are required to utilize information technology because business activities are hampered
by a ban on face-to-face meetings which has the potential to spread the virus. The researcher
aims to create an e-commerce website for buying and selling vapes to increase vape sales that
are affected by the Covid-19 virus. Researchers use the waterfall method in building this vape ecommerce
website because it has the advantage of working on a structured project, stage by
stage so as to minimize errors that may occur. From the results of data analysis carried out by
researchers, it was found that standard system requirements, namely the existence of postage
and automatic payments. The result of this research is that the VapeIn website can reach a wider
range of customers and the data reports are better managed
