Strategi Pemasaran Digital dalam Pengembangan Agrowisata Kisuci di Desa Cipambuan, Babakan Madang, Bogor

  • Essy Malays Sari Sakti UPI Y.A.I
  • Marhalinda UPI Y.A.I
  • Supradaka UPI Y.A.I
  • Hayu S. Prabowo Indonesia Banking School


Cipambuan Village is one of the villages in the Sentul circle and has the potential to be developed
into an agrotourism village. Currently the village is managed by the Kisuci community, which is a
community that focuses on environmental issues, especially on preserving the Cikeas River,
mitigating climate change, raising public awareness in managing natural resources sustainably
with the hope of improving the welfare of the surrounding community through the ecotourism
sector. The development of Kisuci ecotourism is not progressing quickly, this is because the Kisuci
tourist destination is not yet widely known by tourists and prospective tourists. This research aims
to examine the facilities owned by the Kisuci tourist destination so that they can be promoted
through digital marketing. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach,
data collection techniques are observation, interviews and literature review. The findings showed
that the management had not used digital marketing strategies, did not have tours for children and
did not have program packages that could be sold to schools. The recommended marketing
strategy is a strategy through digital marketing on social media advertising, promotional content and viral marketing using endorsements. It is hoped that the recommended strategy can be
implemented to increase tourists visiting the Kisuci tourist destination
