Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Fasilitas Lantai Produksi Dengan Metode Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) di PT DSS

  • Fajar Nurhidayat
Keywords: Tata letak fasilitas, Systematic Layout Planing(SLP), Ongkos Material Handling


The facility layout design is important in increasing company productivity. PT DSS
is a construction company in the Sentul industrial area. Currently, the company wants to
increase its production target to meet growing consumer demand. The current condition
layout is not in accordance with the needs, which is indicated by the intersecting flow of
the production process which causes the production time to be longer. The method used is
to use the SLP Systematic Layout Planning method which functions to produce a layout
design for production facilities that can minimize the total cost of material handling and
minimize the distance between the PT DSS production rooms and so that there are no more
intersecting production process flows.
Based on the results of research and calculations with this method, the results of the
improvement in the production layout of proposal 2 are better. The initial layout material
handling distance is 32,934 meters with material transfer costs Rp. 2,424,579, and the
proposed layout 2 is 18,783 meters apart with material handling costs of Rp. 1,630,896 and
a savings of 32% is obtained from the initial layout.
