Identifikasi Waste Proses Pembangunan Perumahan Sederhana Menggunakan Value Steam Mapping di Perumahan XYZ

  • Nurlaelah Nurlaelah
  • Jati Utomo DH
Keywords: Perumahan Sederhana (Low Cost Housing), Waste, Value Stream Mapping


Low-cost housing is a housing intended for the low-income community built by developers.
While the number of people who are interested in this type of housing is increasing, there
are often consumer complaints related to defects of home products and delays in completing
work due to waste that occurs in the construction process. The purpose of this research is to
identify the waste in the low cost housing development process, especially in XYZ Housing. The
method used in this research is the Value Stream Mapping (VSM), which includes the drawing
of the Current State Map, as well as the proposed recommendations for improvement
(Future State Map). Current State Map analysis has succeeded in mapping various wastes,
both waste before work is done and work during the construction process, such as
Overproduction, Inventory, Defect, Motion, Transportation, Processing, Waiting. Meanwhile,
in the Future State Map, the Pull System is proposed to be implemented using the Kanban
system in the construction process carried out by the contractor.
