Apakah Inflasi Dapat Memoderasi Minyak Mentah Dalam Mempengaruhi Saham Produsen Consumer Goods Non Cyclical?

  • Adrianna Syariefur Rakhmat
  • Mita Dwi Lestari
  • Preatmi Nurastuti
Keywords: Harga Saham, Harga Minyak, dan Inflasi, Stock Price, Oil Price, and Inflation


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya Perang antara Rusia dan Ukraina yang
menimbulkan dampak seperti gangguan rantai pasokan global yang menyebabkan kenaikan harga
minyak dunia yang berimbas kepada peningkatan inflasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh
perusahaan Sektor Consumer Good Non Cyclical yang tercatat di BEI jumlah 87 perusahaan.
Sampel yang diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 5 perusahaan dengan
periode bulanan di tahun 2022. Dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Inflasi mampu memoderasi
harga minyak dunia berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Saham Perusahaan
Consumer Good Non Cyclical.
Kata kunci : Harga Saham, Harga Minyak, dan Inflasi
This research was motivated by the war between Russia and Ukraine which had impacts such
as disruption of the global supply chain which caused an increase in world oil prices which had
an impact on inflation. The population of this research is all 87 companies in the Consumer Good
Non Cyclical Sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The samples taken using a purposive
sampling technique were 5 companies with a monthly period in 2022. This research shows that
inflation is able to moderate world oil prices and has a positive and significant effect on shares of
non-cyclical consumer good companies
Keyword : Stock Price, Oil Price, and Inflation


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How to Cite
Syariefur Rakhmat, A., Dwi Lestari, M., & Nurastuti, P. (2024). Apakah Inflasi Dapat Memoderasi Minyak Mentah Dalam Mempengaruhi Saham Produsen Consumer Goods Non Cyclical?. IKRAITH-EKONOMIKA, 7(2), 278-283. https://doi.org/10.37817/ikraith-ekonomika.v7i2.3358