Peranan Lokasi , Harga Dan Citra Merek Erhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Toko Es Tube Hokita Di Jakarta Barat

  • maya syafriana Effendi Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of location, price,
and brand image of customer satisfaction level of the ice tube hokita in west
jakarta. The method used is comparative descriptive study. In the method of data
collection using survey techniques, interviews and questionnaires. In the
statistical analysis the authors using SPSS (Statistical Package For Social
Sciences) version 21.0. The results of data processing performed using SPSS 21.0
for windows prgoram, then obtained with a coefficient of r = 0,908 determinant of
82,4%and the balance of 17,6%, for the value of the regression obtained๐‘Œ ฬ‚ =
4,936 + 0,229๐‘‹1 + 0,200๐‘‹2 + 0,875๐‘‹3 and obtained F count > F table or
21,227 > 2,755 Ho rejected. It is addressing that a significant difference between
location (X1), Price (X2), and Brand Image (X3) together (simultaneously) on
Customer Satisfaction (Y).
