Pengaruh Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Problem Based Learning is a learning model that presents problems at the beginning of
learning in students' real lives. In this study, the aim was to determine the effect of using the
Problem Based Learning PBL Learning Model on the ability to think mathematically critically in
two classes with a total of 64 studentsin grade V at SDN Tomang 01 in the 2023/2024 academic
year.Themodelin thisstudyis a quantitative typewith a true-experimental design.The instrument
used in thisstudywas a posttest-onlycontrol design.The total populationconsistsof classV, which
consists of class VA with 32 students, VB with 32 students, and VC with 32 students. The
population used is two classes taken as research samples using a cluster random sampling
technique, namely class VA and class VB. The data collection technique in this study used an
instrumentinthe formof amathematical criticalthinkingabilitytest.After analyzingthedatausing
the t-test obtained t count= 4.39 and t table = 1.99 at a significantlevel of 0.05.Thisshowsthat Ha
is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning Model on the
mathematical criticalthinkingskills offifth-grade students at SDNTomang 01