Motivasi Kerja Dan Peningkatan Jenjang Karier Terhadap Kompetensi Karyawan Mega Sejahtera
This article describes the independent variable. Workplace motivation and
career advancement goals, along with
employee competency, can be summarized as
Variable Work Motivation versus Competency Variable Within this context, the
decisive factor (KD) The tool or method used to adjust the dependent variable's mean
value from the independent variable is usually regression analysis. Analyses of
regression allow researchers to understand relationships and how certain significant
changes in independent variables can affect dependent variables.In addition to it, there
are other methods such as:The Analysis of Variance, or ANOVA, is used to compare two
independent variables to one dependent variable.Correlation analysis: this method is used
to estimate some strong correlation between two variables, yet it is not a completely silent
way to identify causes.
The following are some of the perhitungan techniques used: About is the value of the
coefficient of determination (r) 0.605.Using the determined rumus koefisien: KD is
equal to r² × 100%. Measuring r²: \( r² = 0,605 × 0,605 = 0,366 \). Menghitung KD: \KD
is equal to 0,366 × 100%, or 36,6%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the
work-related motivation variable affects the employee's skill level. This statement
indicates the results of a regression analysis, or a method of analysis where 36,6% of the
dependent variable is explained by the independent variable that was examined.
Accordingly, the model's coefficient of determination (R2) is either 36,6% or 0,366. As an
example, 63.4% of the data indicate that dependent variables are affected by
unidentified or unaccounted for factors in the research model.
This could mean that there is
another variable anything should be considered in a
more thorough study to increase the model's accuracy in explaining the
aforementioned dependent variable.A slight deviation from the mean of 36.7% to 36.6%
was observed based on the deviation of r².
As a function of the Jenjang Karir Variable and the Karyawan Variable's Competency,
the results are manually calculated using utilizing the following rumus koefisien
deterrninasi: KD = r2 x I 00%, where r is the result of a koefisien korelasi analysis with a
significance level of 0.635. The results are as follows: KD is equal to r2 x 100%, 0,635 x
100%, 0,403 x 100%, or 40,3%. It is possible to deduce from these findings that the
Jenjang Karir variable The statement above suggests that there is a significant relationship
between the variables Work Motivation and Karyawan Competency. The regression
analysis's findings reveal a value of R of roughly 0.701, indicating a high degree of
correlation between the dependent variable (Karyawan Competency) and the independent
variables (Workplace Motivation and Employee Growth).
In addition, the R Square (R²) value of 0.492, or 49.2%, indicates that 49.2% of the
Karyawan competency variable can be explained by the two independent variables
mentioned above. exhibits a significant damping of 50.8%, which is the result of by
unidentified supporting components in our study. In other words, both work motivation
and Jenjang Karir training contribute positively and significantly to the development of
employees' skills, and this relationship is quite strong.
Key words: Motivation, Work, Hard work, Skill, and Ability