Analisis Efektivitas Implementasi Digital Learning pada Masa Pandemik Covid-19

  • Paula Dewanti
  • Ni Putu Linda Santiari
  • Kadek Vishnu Vedamurthi
Keywords: Covid-19, digital learning, distance learning, e-learning


This study is a continuation of previous research conducted by researchers on the
implementation of Digital Learning in several countries as an Emergency Response to the
exceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, considering the most recent developments
of virus variants, the increasing number of virus exposures, and the uncertainty of the pandemic's
end date. In this study, researchers compared the use of Digital Learning in Indonesian
universities. This follow-up study was conducted to identify best practices, such as Student
Engagement and Student Experience, that are expected to add more value to the current ELearning
implementation. This aspect should be explored in order to determine whether Digital
Learning through E-Learning is a strategic move that will result in better learning outcomes at
Indonesian universities. In the research approach, a comparative study is used, in which data is
obtained from reliable resources relevant to the subject of study, namely contact persons via
correspondence. Other data from respondents is used to quantify the impact of virtual learning
during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic using a Likert Scale. Respondents to this study's
effectiveness survey were students of the lecturers who were the subject of the research.
